Thursday, July 17, 2014

Octodad Dadliest Catch PS4

Octodad Dadliest Catch is a very suitable PS4 game for kids under 10, You get to play the character of an octopus and you go about your everyday activities with all your tentacles with all its challenges, it is fun and you will learn some valuable life long lessons maneuvering Octodad around your home.

OctoDad is a game about destruction, deception, and fatherhood. and might just be gaming’s first slapstick comedy. You can’t help but smile as you watch your fish-man stumble around a chapel as he tries to remain inconspicuous during his own wedding.

The game is both fun and funny, but that only gets you halfway. Whether it’s imposter syndrome, social anxiety, hiding something, or just feeling like sometimes you give something your best and it’s not enough… Octodad taps into a deep primal fear of being something that’s “other” and trying to hide

Monday, July 14, 2014

Knack PS4 Review

PS4 Knack
Knack PS4 is a great family friendly game and is very suitable for kids under 10. It is a fun,fresh but addicting game. . The controls are simple, just a few basic moves like jump, attack, special attack, and dodge. Playing on easy, maybe normal, the first time through is advised.

Knack (PlayStation 4) is this secret weapon, he starts out as this little cute character that can transform once you progress in a given level to a giant sized don't mess with me type monster. I also enjoy finding the secret passageways scattered throughout each level to collect parts which enhance Knacks abilities.

Each enemy has a weak spot and once you know it you'll be zipping right through the game.

*looks great and feels great
*very cartoon movie feel to it
*lots of hidden items to find
*can be really hard if not ready for it
*co-op play on the same screen
*A good starting game for kids under 10

My biggest complaint with the game is the fact that it limits Knacks size and abilities based on the area.